Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

I spent my lunch watching people compete against Rex Grossman in a snowball throwing contest. Not that I want to blatantly toss out free corporate sponsorship (especially since a certain coffee joint can get on my nerves every now and then), but this was a cool event. They made a bunch of snow, put out peppermint mochas (my Achilles' heel), collected money for the neediest kids' fund, gave out free coffee - my favorite blend (Christmas Blend) and I got to see a player from the Chicago Bears. Bonus points for the fact that it was Sexy (though I am way too old for him) Rexy.

It was a fun time and has got me even more excited for Sunday's game. I have to say, J.G. was posting about places she would live instead of Chicago, I can't imagine living anywhere else. Visiting, sure. Moving away from Chicago - don't think so.


Anonymous said...

I meant to e-mail you earlier...great job with the photo!

Fun, fun, fun!

Dea said...

The photo was totally with the help of a co-worker. The mochas and manufactured snow were the best part of the event =0) And Miss Jenny, if you spent less time Lost (pardon the pun) and more time obsessed with football, you would live and die by (and occasionally crush on) Mr. Grossman a.k.a Sexy Rexy. Regardless, I hope you appreciated the Empire Records reference.