Thursday, October 12, 2006

You Can't Hide Behind Social Graces

Ani Difranco writes about taking things As Is. It has always been an anthem for me about taking things in stride and finding the good in the situation. I liked that she said, "just give up and admit you're an a$$ would be in some good company."

I always thought that it meant be who you are, flaws and all, and everything will be okay. Of course, then I 'dated' (or whatever the hell the last 9 months of my life were) someone who really was an a$$hole. Though, I thought so much more of him, which is what really sucks the most.

I quit that mess of a relationship cold turkey (though some thought that I wouldn't) and am now back at square one. Once again in the dating pool sorting out the craziness that is being a single girl.

I think the hardest thing is trying to find the truth in all the BS. It’s finding the person who is who they say they are and being the person that you say you are…

It is being and accepting someone as is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was really proud of you for quitting that jerk. And although the dating world does suck-- truly, no one enjoys it unless they are a sociopath just in it for free meals. For me, realizing who I am and what I want out sometimes translates into a lonely sex life, I just feel so much better knowing that I'm not settling. And we're not talking about not picking Guy A because I want someone who speaks Italian-- no, not settling for the stuff that's really important to me morally.