Tuesday, October 10, 2006

How Do You Eat M & M's?

This weekend was a mini-family trek to see my sister. I left a day and a half early, so that Debs and I could do some fun sister bonding. My parents joined us on Friday. I love my family. They are absolutely insane in the best ways.

This weekend, my mom asked me how I eat my M & M’s. Sounds like a strange question to start – made stranger by my reply, “Am I sitting at my desk or am I just eating them?” Odd, I know. But, I make my M & M’s into a colored pyramid, if I am sitting down. I eat the oddball ones (those that didn’t make the pyramid) first and then eat the pyramid, a diagonal row at a time. I have no idea when or why I started doing this.

I felt better when my mom asked my sister the same question later in the day. Debs replied, “Am I eating them from a candy bowl or the bag?” This confirmed for me that she is truly my sister. It seems that my sister eats M & M’s by first eating the colors she does not like.

As for my mom, she eats her M & M’s in coordinating colors – i.e. Blue and Green for Marillac (my high school alma mater), Red and Green (obvious Christmas reference), Blue and Yellow (Notre Dame) and so on and so forth.

It was at this point that my Dad interjected with the extremely logical, very linear-minded, “They all taste the same” comment. I am now wondering if we are the milkman’s kids. Kidding aside, I wonder. Are we the weird ones? (Actually, I don’t wonder that, I know we are a bit). But, is this a male / female thing? Something weirdly unique to my family? Do other people have a system for eating M & M’s? I’m a bit curious now.

So I post the question to all (well, really to Jen and my sis, since I think they are the only ones that read this), “How do you eat your M & M’s?”

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