Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Let us confidently hope that all will yet be well

I like the idea of posting about what I am reading. Those that know me well know that I tend to get wrapped up in a topic. For a long time it was British History (although the 1000 page Henry VII book was nearly my undoing) and now it is the Civil War - well, more specifically, Abraham Lincoln.

I read Manuhunt by James L. Swanson (contrary to popular belief, not about dating) and that triggered this new obsession. If you get a chance, read it, it is an extraordinary tale of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the hunt for John Wilkes Booth.

Anyway, this sparked my interest and I have moved on to Team of Rivals. Well, that and a trip to the Underground Railroad museum and the PBS documentary on Abraham and Mary (thank you, Netflix). Did I mention that I met Abraham Lincoln this weekend? Not literally, I am not that crazy, but there was an actor playing him at the Tall Stacks festival. He recited the speech Lincoln gave when he left Springfield for Washington DC. It was amazing. Thanks to my sister's boyfriend's insistence, I now have a nice picture of me and Abe.

So, that's the subject obsession for the day. Highly recommend.

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