Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Bill Murray / Weird Sounding Movies or U2?

A friend of mine and I have tried to have detox movie nights. Movie (theatre or home) and a quiet, alcohol-free night. Tomorrow was the scheduled movie night. I was supposed to be subjected to The Royal Tenenbaums and Life Aquatic. Neither movie interests me, but a friend swears by them and I was willing to give them a try. (Of course, if I hated both of them, I was ready to subject said friend--a guy--to the entire 4th Season of Felicity).

Anyway, I emailed Jen to see if she was working tomorrow night. I figured that now that we were neighbors, dinner and a movie might interest her -- especially since they were quirky, thinker's movies. She saw my "Are you working tomorrow night" as a veiled "Want to go to U2?" And sent a quick reply wondering if I had tickets. Well, I didn't and I hadn't even thought of that. But, now it was out there. Something that couldn't be taken back. U2 is in Chicago...hmm...Could we go to U2? Is it a possibility? I haven't missed a tour since the Zoo TV tour at Poplar Creek in 1993. What to do? What to do?

First, I went to the almighty Ticketmaster, to see if they had secretly released tickets, which they always do. They had -- and to both shows. After realizing that Jen had to work tonight, I knew that tomorrow was our only option. Now what? I promised a detox night with a friend and now I want to go to a crazy concert venue. I tried to think of ways to trick my friend into wanting to go to U2 instead. Turns out, I really didn't have to be stealth. Said friend dropped Bill Murray like a bad habit the minute I mentioned U2.

Now the hard part, procuring 3 tickets. Back to the evil Ticketmaster I went. Searching for tickets. Making sure that they're not behind the stage--I don't care how close you are, you are still staring at butts. Getting ready to complete the transaction...website freezes. Crap. Stupid Ticketmaster. Now what. We are all excited about this concert. Ticketmaster....don't fail us now.

I jump to the phone, hoping that I will be able to get through that way. First try...busy signal. I am convinced that everyone has figured out that there are tickets and that now, our hopes will be dashed. Second Try...success. I navigate through the bazillion options that my automated operator, Katie, presents to me...and then I get it...the confirmation number.

We are on our way to U2!!!! Can't wait!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just an all-around fun hour yesterday on the whole U2 thing. Now I need you to feel better. And no worries on the crazy concert thing. I rarely drink at shows-- the bladder just can't hang. (TMI, I know.)