Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Enjoy the silence

I know that I have Sporty Spice lately with an influx of Bears posts, but I never denied being a big sports buff. Especially football. Especially since my Notre Dame got crushed (again) in the Sugar Bowl.

But I digress, I am a excited about the break. Nat and I were talking about what to do this week. And we can actually have plans other than staking out a table at a bar for a football game. I'm looking forward to catching up on my reading and movie viewing and crossword puzzling. At least for a while.

In other news, I am slightly intrigued by this crazy astronaut story. It fascinates me on many levels. How does a girl get ballsy enough to travel 900 miles to take on a romantic rival when her relationship with the man was more than a friendship, but less than a romantic relationship. Most of us are afraid to call too quickly for fear of pushing someone away and she drives to kidnap a triangle member of a non-relationship. Talk about panache.

And here is something that is bothering me (and my sister) -- the diapers. I mean, we have all been slightly disgusted by the driving in a diaper and peeing yourself to make better time thing. Kind of gross. Here's the big question though, wouldn't she have to stop for gas? I mean what high-falutin car gets 900 miles to the tank? And where can I get one?

And in following that theory, when she stopped for gas, wouldn't it have been just a good a time to stop to use a restroom? My mom always taught me to multi-task on roadtrips. (Mostly, because my dad is a frequent stopper). In my world, when you stop at the gas station (or any other place) you use the bathroom, whether you have to or not.

And then there is the monitoring device. An anklet GPS unit that is supposed to keep track of her. Let’s think about a girl with post-graduate degrees in aeronautical and astronautical engineering, who was one of 2 women who manned the robotic arm in space this summer, and wonder for a second how an anklet is going to hold her back. I may be going out on a limb here, but why do they think that she is incapable of removing that device and putting it on her dog or something else?

It is all incredibly fascinating to me. So many of us wander through life, carefully plotting out interactions with the opposite sex in the hopes that we will get it right once in awhile. And here is Lisa rocking and rolling to the beat of her own drum and taking her own path. It amazes me that this uber-intelligent woman ended up in Depends on a Thelma without Louise roadtrip. I wonder how she got to that point.

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