Friday, October 28, 2005

Random Bits

* People who show up to a kickball field in matching outfits suck. They suck more when they begin to stretch.

* There is nothing harder than waking up on a cold, rainy day and having to get out of bed and go to work.

* No matter how often it happens, a friend prat-falling into a table is always funny. Even if you wind up with a lapful of cocktails.

* Chicago my ass, I am still pissed the Sox won. (Though, I am exicted for my friends who are Sox fans and I am excited that at least one of the teams in the city doesn't stink. I just wish that is wasn't the Sox).

* Traveling with a friend 8-hours anywhere takes a strong friendship. It takes a strong stomach too -- at least if the only thing to eat on the way is cheeseburgers.

* Nothing beats being kissed often by someone who knows how.

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