Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Random Things from the last few days…

  • Thanks to my coworkers for the crazy video they made and the birthday celebration they put together on Friday afternoon. Had I known that it would be indicative of the celebrations to come, I may have tried to get a nap in—maybe eaten a Zone Bar.

  • Spent 3-hours in a car with a friend I had lost touch with over the last few years. Aside from the traffic (and a mini-detour), it was a nice road trip—as nice as a trip can be when you are going to be with a friend who’s just lost her father. He sent me a Tom Stoppard quote he thought that I might like. Since he racked his brain a bit and probably exhausted Google, I thought that it at least deserved to be posted here. And so it is…”If Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at the age of 22, the history of music would be totally different. As would the history of aviation." -Tom Stoppard

  • No matter what the context, a young man in military dress playing taps on a bugle is bittersweet. It is beautiful and touching and heartbreaking all in one moment.

  • People who buy old churches, make them their home and then turn the “living room” into an Irish Pub may be going to hell =0) Or, they may be friends of mine who threw a darn fine party over the weekend—complete with a blues band that rocked the church out of its foundation.

  • Sunday afternoon proved to lead to an evening of debauchery. Complete with a guest appearance by “bad friends speech” guy; two friends of mine being put into cabs and put into bed before 10 PM; 5 Guinness Lunchboxes (not sure what others had); 2 other people celebrating their August 1st birthday at midnight with me and tons of laughter and fun. It ended with me sleeping through my dad’s 3:30 AM “this is when you were born phone call” and grudgingly answering his 6 AM “think I am being funny by calling my daughter again” phone call. All in all, I had a blast on Sunday.

  • Monday morning, birthday breakfast of an Entenmann’s Crumb Donut was a lovely way to start the day. I saved the cards that had come in the mail for me so that I would have something to open…I am still a little kid that way. My mom came into the city and we went to see the Body Worlds exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. Strange exhibit, but excellent. I absolutely recommend it. Had an ice cream sundae before lunch, which is perfectly justifiable on your birthday. My mom conned the waiter into embarrassing me. I loved the gesture, didn’t like holding a sundae over my head. It turned out to be a perfect day.

  • Last night, my friend Natalie bought me balloons, a card with my favorite Maya Angelou quote on it (The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving -- with passion and compassion, and humor and style, and generosity and kindness.) and a beautiful spiral book of Maya’s quotes. Jen met me with a gift card for tea (and coffee—she checked) and a book…people came into the bar and bought me more drinks that I could ever consume in one evening—in fact, I think I have a credit at the bar. I looked around the room and thought that life doesn’t get better than this. I have friends who know me well enough to know my favorite quote and well enough to pick out the perfect present for me. I was really touched. My friends and family really made this weekend wonderful. I just wanted to say thank you to all of them.

  • My Mom and Dad are probably the most generous, loving people I know. I am grateful to have them as my parents and wanted to thank them—they not only brought me into this world, but they have been there supporting me ever since.

  • T-minus 5 hours and counting until...Neil Diamond!

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