Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Just another Blog Entry

So, lovely Jen wants to know if I am posting again. I know. I suck. I am not sure why I have been such a slacker. I have started a bunch of posts, but they were not as interesting as I wanted them to be and so I deleted them.

This is an entry just to have one, but I promise there will be several that follow. So many that Jen's next comment will be "Enough already!"


Anonymous said...

A paragraph or two is perfectly acceptable. You don't have to be Shakespeare. Sure, sometimes your posts will crack us up, but more often than not, we just want to know what the heck is going on!

Dea said...

I know. It has been a hell of an August though. Have a few things in the works. Hope Chi-Town is good. I have barely seen CA--outside the Hilton in Arcadia.