I just spent twenty minutes finishing the entries I started weeks ago - sorry about that. It has been crazy.
In a nutshell, since Christmas, my good friend had a baby (he is beautiful and perfect and I got to hold him when he was 18 hours old, which is terrifying), I got new glasses (seriously, my eyes were crap - this explains a million headaches and why I was terrible at nighttime driving), my sister got engaged (prepare yourselves for a million blogs on that subject, because I am bursting at the seams with excitement), I met someone who I am really interested in (which is all I will say, because it is so new...well that and the fact that I am a bit giddy - so nerdy, but true - ok, giddy, nervous, totally freaked-out and a million other adjectives), I worked New Year's Eve (again), my football team got their asses kicked in the Sugar Bowl (again), I ran into someone that I hadn't seen for a decade in a bar I hadn't been to in years, I went back to work after a nice vacation and I went to a friend's wedding. It has been a busy few weeks.
So, congratulations Mike and Tif. Welcome to the world, Owen! I can't wait to spoil you! Congratulations Deb and Jason. Welcome to our family, Jason! I couldn't ask for a better match for my sister or a better person to call my brother than you. Happy New Year to everyone!! (Natalie, thanks for being my partner-in-crime and hugging me on New Year's! I am grateful to have you as a friend). Congratulations to Deb and Sean (friend, not sister)! Thanks for letting me celebrate your wedding! To Notre Dame, better luck next year! To Brady Quinn, good luck in the draft! To Charlie, maybe a few sit ups!
Every year, Natalie and I try to come up with a mantra. It is hard to rhyme something with seven - unless you use heaven (cliche), unleavened (little too holy and in the past tense) or Devin (which completely works if your mantra is "I heart Devin in 2007," but only works if you are a Chicago Bears fan). Out of nowhere, on New Year's Day, I said, "Go Bold or Go Cold in '07."
Those of you that know me, know that I am not so good on that one. I tend to go a bit timid in the risking area. However, 2007 is a turning point, I can feel it. Given the events of the last week, I think it is the perfect rallying cry.
So, to all my friends out there (and the three people that read this blog), Go Bold or Go Cold. Make this year one of seeking what you want, seeing it when it is in front of you and celebrating every moment and opportunity. Challenge yourself to do the things you thought you never could / would. That is my New Year's Resolution! And, you know what, so far...so good!
1 comment:
So excited for Deb and Jason!! My sis just married a Jason last summer, btw.
Anyhoo- Dea, didja know I went to that Sugar Bowl game? You wouldn't believe with who.... Scott. Was fun. In the Holiday Inn next to Bourbon, a gaggle of girls in leopard print cowboy hats went up tp the Notre Dame crew at the bar (pre-game) and started chanting " Ru-dy! Ru-dy! Ru-dy".
Ya know me... it had to splained, Lucy! But after it was I thought it was funny. Because of how these quiet, polite and totally poker-faced ND fans just sat there staring at the girls and their chanting. Like they didn't get it.
Too funny.
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