Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I have been blog absent the last few days and I apologize. Blame it on the 40 people in my house for my Christmas party. Blame it on having to write an end of the year performance evaluation. Blame it on the basso nova. My brain was fried and I was without anything witty to say. Thus, this entry is just random things that have happened to me or popped into my head in the last week. (In no particular order).

Every time you utter the phrase, “I am done with all my Christmas shopping,” you realize you have one more present to buy.

I finished my Christmas cards this week. In a few of them, I really wanted to write a “Sorry you spouse cheated on you and is slowly and painfully breaking up the family; hope you have a Merry Christmas anyway card.” Pretty sure my Italian Aunt would have killed me, then died of heartbreak, all while my grandmother was rolling over in her grave. Still, I really wish I had the nerve to send it.

Non-repliers. Annoying. One of my biggest pet peeves in the non-responder to email. I’m not talking about the jokes that have been forwarded – because responding to those would get annoying. I am talking about actual notes that people write. I think it is rude to blow them off.

Side Note - I started this entry on December 20 - why I didn't finish it, I have no idea. I am changing the date and posting it. I am playing catch up big time. A few more entries and my absence will make sense - I promise.

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