Thursday, January 18, 2007

'Cause I love the way that my singin sounds in here

Every morning I wake up to Mike and Mike. (Well, that and Baba O'Reily on my cell phone and a buzzer on my alarm clock and my mom calling me -- I am not exactly a morning person). After stopping all the chaos in my bedroom, I usually snuggle under the covers and listen to them talk about the sports news of the day. As of late (actually all football season) that has been a lot of fun. The problem is that I almost always stay in bed later than I should listening to them and then I am hauling it out the door. (Why I bother, I don't know, since inevitably my train is going to spend the better part of the morning 'waiting for signals.')

Anyway, to avoid this, I have been dragging my alarm clock / radio to the bathroom with me every morning. I put it on my vanity and plug it in to the only outlet in my bathroom - you know, the one where most normal girls plug in a hair dryer or a flat iron or something. This allows me my sports fix and lets me get ready. Of course, it also makes me leave with wet hair.

The problem is that I never put it back in my room. I turn the radio off and run out the door. I forget that it is still in the bathroom -- even as I am getting ready for bed. I remember it is in the bathroom only when I go to set it - which I can masterfully do from bed and mostly under the covers (they don't make 'em as lazy as me anymore). This always causes a few minutes of debate as to whether or not I really need the extra two alarms. (Really, I do). And then I reluctantly make the mad dash to the bathroom -- trying not to turn on any lights -- and I grab the alarm clock. I quickly plug it in and burrow under my covers, because usually my teeth are chattering by now.

And every night that I have to do this, I end up thinking to myself -- "Why haven't I just gone out and bought a radio? A $9.99 Walgreens variety. A boombox. (yeah - I said it) A shower radio. Any radio?" Kind of like I am doing right now.

Side Note: If anyone can tell me where the song lyric is from, I will be thoroughly impressed. (And for the record, using Google doesn't count - though if the question was posed to me, that is exactly what I would do.)


Jen said...

It's always the easiest solutions that take the longest to get to. But I think you and I could have a morning "lazy off". My mom once made me saw off the snooze button on my alarm clock because she was tired of me pressing it.

Anonymous said...

Too bad you didn't write about the radio before Christmas, eh?