This is going to be a quick one, as there are a 101 other things I should be doing with my time. I just wanted to take a moment and kvetch about one of my biggest pet peeves....
Okay. Hilarious. I started this blog last week and apparently, I really did have 101 things going on, because it stopped right there. Sheesh. Now I just have to narrow it down and try and remember my biggest pet peeve.
Couldn't have been that big, since I am drawing a blank. I will say that I am getting annoyed with people's unfounded insecurity, people who butt their nose into things and make snap judgements without any information, people who are rude in the holiday season and the general ickiness of the rain that keeps falling in Chicago. It is putting a damper on my Christmas season.
All I want for Christmas is World Peace; My friends and family to enjoy the gifts that I am giving them; a little bit of snow; and the general decency of humanity to come out.
Oh, and I want to ride the holiday L, because while I agree with Jenny that a holiday bus might be a bit too much, I think the CTA owes all of Chicago a ride on the Santa L. I want a little Christmas caroling and a candy cane, especially if it is going to go through slow zones for the 100th time this year.
PS I think this is an ironic title. I was going for something with it - I just know it.
Christmas caroling would be nice. Something far better than the occasional homeless person croaking out Jingle Bells in an attempt to gather a crowd. Although I really do love the city when I hear a street saxophone playing Christmas carols.
I haven't had any of this! I haven't been on the holiday bus or L and I haven't even SEEN a homeless person this week!
What city am I living in?
I want to be swept away in the Christmas magic. Maybe tomorrow when I head to Virginia? I tried to play Christmas music last night and Chelsea would only tolerate 30 minutes of it!
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