Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Toys 'R' Us Kid

I was thinking the other day about how I am 29 years old. 29. When I was a little girl, 23 was old and 29 was downright over-the-hill. Of course, I always thought, that by now I would have so much more than I do. I don’t mean things…cars, houses, TVs…a savings account. I mean, I thought that I would have so much more knowledge of life, happiness and love; I thought that I would have a partner and maybe even a child. Really, I thought that I would feel differently than I do. I still feel timid and confused and shy and unsure. I still hear someone compliment me and want to refute it. I have a hard time seeing myself the way that others see me. I look at 17 year olds and I think that they are so much more together than I am…

This makes me wonder. When do I start to feel like it is all coming together? I believe that the partner will eventually cross my path. (I believe that I will know it when I see it. He will be the guy that cherishes me and challenges me.) I want to know when I start to feel like a grown-up? I started making a list of things that seemed grown-up and responsible to me. I asked friends to add their thoughts. Here is a partial list…I am hoping that people will chime in with more thoughts…

1. Starting a Savings Account.
2. Getting your first manicure / pedicure.
3. Buying your first suit.
4. Getting a passport.
5. Balancing your checkbook.
6. Buying a piece of furniture that you don’t have to assemble.
7. Hiring movers.
8. Buying a bottle of wine (or several) with dinner.
9. Picking up the tab on a meal with friends.
10. Having an apartment (not a studio) and no roommates.
11. Taking a vacation for no reason.
12. Buying a box of condoms on your own.
13. Taking a class just to learn something new.
14. Getting rid of your twin bed.
15. Having a party without a keg.
16. Throwing your first dinner party.
17. Going out for one and having it be only one.
18. Having a date pick you up for dinner and a movie.
19. Having a 401(k) and buying stock separate from your 401(k).
20. Having a rainy day fund.
21. Managing a budget.
22. Buying a nice piece of jewelry for yourself. (i.e. diamond earrings)
23. Standing up for something you believe in.
24. Finding the friend that knows all your skeletons.
25. Taking a leap of faith in love.

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