Monday, June 18, 2007

I just wanna say something worthwhile

Writer's block has been prohibiting me from posting the last few days. It seems that my head has been filled with everything and nothing. Rather than go missing again, I made the executive decision to post a few random things that I have been thinking.

Almost a week ago, Mr. Wizard died. My desire to craft a fitting tribute to the man who essentially fostered my love of science seems to have been the start of my writer's block. I couldn't find the right words.

When I was little, science was my thing. I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to conduct experiments. I wanted to invent things. I loved it all.

Mr. Wizard's show fueled that passion. He took science and made it reachable for me. He made it easy to understand and fascinating to learn. I wanted to be one of the kids on the show conducting experiments with him. I wanted to be like him when I grew up.

And so, when I heard of his passing, I was saddened. He was truly a teacher to many and he will be missed.

Other random things...

* I started watching Sex in the City reruns again, mostly because I miss it. I miss its intelligence, brashness and relatability. Because, while the characters may have been to the extreme at times, every woman can say she has a little Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda in them.

* A hula-hoop, swim goggles, water wings and a stoop can make for a perfectly acceptable (if not completely fun) Saturday night.

* How is it that one of my closest friend's in college had another baby (well, he didn't, but his wife did) and I missed the entire pregnancy? Why do I feel like I can never keep up? (And on that note, congratulations Tom and Amie - he is absolutely beautiful)!

* Speaking of never keeping up, why do I always have dishes in my sink - though I swear I am not home enough to cook, clothes on my bathroom floor and books strewn everywhere? (Not to mention a broken TV in my living room that has been there for 8 months). I am so cluttery.

* Finally, my friend from high school writes fantastic reviews of the music world and he joined the blogging scene a while ago. (And in keeping me my falling behind theme, I have been meaning to link to him for ages). That being said, I am added him to my links: I know you will all enjoy it!

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