Tuesday, August 23, 2005

NetFlix Addict

Hello, my name is Dea, and I am a NetFlix Addict. Is there a 12-step program I can join? Many years ago, I used NetFlix--mostly because I had fines at all the local Blockbusters. I barely used it. I had the same lukewarm movie in my house for a month and I never watched it or returned it. Eventually, I cancelled my subscription and moved on to racking up fines at other Blockbusters.

Recently, I have found my way back to NetFlix and I feel that I am becoming co-dependent. I eagerly wait for the red / white envelopes to appear in my mailbox. I am constantly amazed at how many movies they have in NetFlix land and how quickly they ship / receive / ship me movies. My co-worker told me that I would become addicted if I wasn’t careful. This was after she heard a friend and I dissecting the shipping process – (how do they get the movies in 1 day?) Well, after updating my queue, writing reviews for my friends and reviewing movie after movie…I realized, she may be right. I check my NetFlix page at least a few times a day. I sat on my couch a few weeks ago and watched 4 episodes of Felicity in a row, so that I could mail the disc back and get a new one. It has become a major obsession and it’s not just me.

My friend, Jen, has been cemented to her couch watching every single episode of Homicide. (I know…I think it’s a little scary too). My friends have built queues of 60-70 movies. I mean think about it. Would they really rent these movies if they going to Blockbuster? I know that I wouldn’t rent half the documentaries in my queue if I had to pay for them. Maybe that’s the beauty of it. NetFlix allows you to expand into genres that you normally wouldn’t. It allows you to grow as a human being. It is here for the greater good of humankind. Or at least that will be my justification the next time I find myself chained to couch on a Saturday afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so wrong...pointing out to the world my Homicide addiction. True story: Yesterday, I was looking forward to getting a new DVD of episodes, but when I came home...nothing. I was so depressed. No Homicide? What was I going to do? Watch the Cubs? I ended up going to bed at 9. As for Blockbuster... They barely have a selection there. I couldn't rent THE GODFATHER once when I went there b/c it WASN'T IN STOCK!?! Anyway, long story short: I changed my netflix so soon I will be getting 4 discs at a time. This way, I will never be without (I hope). I have you beat, fyi. I watched 8 episodes on Sunday so that I could do a big "return."

Glad to have you back!