Thursday, July 21, 2005

Another Day...and I did Laundry

So, I am a single girl in the city. I always thought that my life would be a pleasant mix of Bridget Jones (I am a bit klutzy and awkward) and Sex in the City (I enjoy a good cocktail and crazy nights on the town). However, after an exciting night of a burger that I “grilled” on my George Foreman, watching reruns with the help of my Tivo and doing laundry, I am beginning to wonder.

Don’t get me wrong. I have great friends and I usually have a ton of fun, but I think I am getting into a rut. It has been a while since I have dated anyone and I am not complaining – I don’t want to be that girl – but I think that I am approaching a crossroad and I am not sure what to do.

My friend, Matt, told me the other day that I am great girl. (P.S. The great girl speech is almost as bad as the friends speech). He told me that I needed to go out and meet people. He told me that the bar is the wrong place (really, because I thought slurring guys in striped shirts was the way to go). He did not tell me where to go though. I mean, really, where does one go to meet people? The bar? The library? The grocery store? Online? At the office? Where? I don’t want to sound like I am desperate and searching, but I am beginning to get curious. As we get older, how do we meet people? I mean, potential dating type people, since I seem to have no problems meeting and making new friends. There are three-minute dates, social clubs for religions, online dating services…all of those seem unnatural to me. But, what are the other options? I am sure that people are meeting and dating, given the number of weddings that I have attended in the last few years. I just don’t get the meeting part.

I don’t know. This is obviously not something that I am going to solve in one night…given that I have not solved it in 29 years.

On a random side note, congratulations to my friend, Tara, on her new job. Thankfully, she got it, even though she listed me as a reference. Also, I have posted the link to my friend Jen’s blog—Discombobulation Station. It is a great blog, as she is a great and witty writer. I hope that the three people that may be reading this go to her page check it out.


Anonymous said...

Sweetie- you're not alone in the wondering department. And unfortunately, I don't have any answers. All we can do is feel confident about the people we are and hope that something clicks along the way. It's not supposed to be this hard!

Anonymous said...

Dea - as a 30 something guy, an expatriate from Chicago residing in Wheeling with my lovely wife, I can tell you that looking for love in the chicago bar scene is absolutely hopeless. Rather than belabor the obvious reasons why, I will offer this thought: continue doing what you like to do, and enjoy doing it - star wars conventions, etc (j/k) I believe you will find someone more compatible with you, who shares your interests, and that will reward you in the long run.

I met my wife, a physical therapist, several years ago after suffering an injury related to my favorite sport, rugby. She was my Florence Nightingale, we clicked at the first therapy session, I asked her out after three sessions and we were dating soon afterward. After several years of courtship bliss, we were married last August and are fast becoming soul mates.

Why? Because I am dumb enough to continue playing a very physical sport well past my (sporting) prime - thank goodness! And she is a wonderfully compassionate woman with poor eyesight (I'm not a looker) but a golden heart.

Good luck, and don't lose hope. Keep your eye on the prize!