Monday, September 13, 2010

Empty Promises

So, I've lied up one and down another, pretending that I was going to maintain this blog, but a madcap rash of writer's block and a seemingly infinite streak of nothingness a.k.a my dating life made it hard to come up with things to say. Sure, I could have blathered on mindlessly about my daily activities, but if they were boring me, I assumed that they would bore you, those faceless / nameless 3 readers that may still check this blog, too.

You're probably wondering why now? Why pick up this silliness again? And in all honesty, I don't know. I just think it is time again. Maybe it is because I missed it. Maybe it is because I have been waxing yogic philosophical while reading Eat, Pray, Love, thinking that I could take myself on that same journey -- but really, knowing full well that I wouldn't have made it out of Italy. Maybe it's because I am tired of telling people one day I will go back to writing on this damn blog. Or maybe it is simply that I now believe that I miss it. I will say this, no more empty promises. I will write as I am moved - no schedule and no theme.

To catch you up on me, here's the Reader's Digest version of my life these days...

* Still in school slowly plugging away at my Master's. When I apply myself, I pretty much kick a$$, the problem is that I lack motivation in topics like Intellectual Property and Copyright Law in Higher Education. This makes finishing the course on time a bit of a challenge. We shall see how fall goes -- here's hoping I don't choose football over homework.

*Still working the same job - year #6 is fast approaching. I can now say that I have been doing what I have been doing for the past 10 years, which is nice on a resume, but terrifying in reality. Not too sure what I have to show for it. I'm still a long way away from teaching Romantic Poetry on an idyllic lawn to idealistic Lit Majors.

* Still serving the same drunk people at the same local tavern. Only now, they may be born in 1989. That thought it a little daunting. I remember 1989. Hell, I remember 1981. The scary thing is that I don't remember looking that young and I certainly don't know when I got this old.

* Still single. Hate to say "I'm looking," because everyone says you find it when you are not looking for it, but honestly, I think most of us are looking. I don't know what exactly it is that I am looking for, but I am hoping someone will clue me in when I find it. In the interim, I am still enjoying making more bad decisions than good ones, having Clark Kent crushes from afar on guys that would fit in at Comic Con and practicing my flirting on one unsuspecting guy per bar shift.

* Still waking up every morning to a cup of coffee that's half-full and a day where anything is possible.