Sorry that it has taken awhile for me to write this, but I think for once in my life, I might have been struck speechless. A few weeks ago, we thought that we would try and organize something for JC. We hoped that we could get a bit of money together for her son – our pipe dream was $5000. We wanted to remember and honor her life and offer something to her family. It became so much more than that.
The five of us, all fundraising novices, morphed into benefit planners as the outpouring of generosity and support grew to astronomical proportions. Suddenly, our raffle prizes became Silent Auction items and we had a need for a full staff of people.
People have asked us how we were able to put this together in two weeks. Honestly, we have no idea. I think it came together so beautifully, because we believed in the cause and because we are all blessed to have so many amazing people in our lives.
The five of us knew what we had signed up for (well, sort of), but throughout the planning and execution of the event, there were countless others who selflessly gave of their time and resources because they wanted to help. From soliciting businesses, making flyers and banners, organizing prizes, setting up, taking donations, tending bar, running the auction, announcing the raffles, playing the bagpipes, and cleaning up at the end, so many came together to execute the event perfectly.
And really, that’s what the night was – perfect! It was the perfect blend of friends and family in support of a beautiful cause. It was the perfect representation of the very best of our neighborhood and our bar. It was the perfect tribute to JC.
So, from the bottom of all of our hearts, we thank you for your generosity and your support. We are still getting the final numbers together, but in donations alone we met and exceeded our “pipe dream” almost four times over and that doesn’t include 2 ½ carloads filled with toys, clothes and books that were given to Blake directly.
Thank you to the entire staff of Guthries Tavern for working the event. Thank you to all of the regulars who showed up, asked what they could do and got straight to work. Thank you to the 75 companies who donated items to the event. Thank you to all of our friends and family who supported the event. Thank you to the entire neighborhood for their tremendous generosity.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
--Margaret Mead--