Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Too much of a good thing...

Starbucks learned a mighty lesson in the power of the Internet / "FWD"ing emails this week, when they sent out a free iced coffee promotion to individuals in the Southeast region. Under the premise that they could forward it to friends and family, people who received the email did just that. Soon Starbucks saw its "Southeast" promotion spread like wildfire across the US.

In order to service their customers, Starbucks extended the promotion to all company-owned Starbucks stores -- at least that's what they said. Under this theory, anyone who received the coupon could go to Starbucks and get a free Iced Coffee. Of course, 6 days later, they issued a statement that retracted the offer - no more free Iced Coffees for anyone. They did this, because, "Unfortunately, it has been redistributed beyond the original intent and modified beyond Starbucks control."

Um, okay, Starbucks, welcome to the 21st Century. Your original email said the following: "Starting today until September 30th, please join us in "surprising and delighting" our family and friends, while introducing you to our iced beverages. Attached is an invitation for a complimentary iced Grande beverage. Please forward this invitation to everyone in your email address book."

Nowhere in the email or on the flyer does it specify that this is only a regional promotion. Was Starbucks so naive to assume that people's email address books would only include addresses for the region in which the promotion was valid? It is ironic that Starbucks used email / Internet to promote themselves and their products and then shut it down when it got to be "too much." Interesting.

When is free advertising too much to handle? Well, in Starbucks’ case, it was when they realized there would be a lot of people coming for a free coffee. Really, I think it is now, when they realize that the same hands that forwarded the coupon to entire their address book are now forwarding this information as well: . So Mr. Mega Conglomerate Starbucks...which would you have preferred....a few free coffees or your customers thinking that you make promises that you can’t keep. Seems to me that the surprise to my family and friends is that the grande coffee costs! The delight will most likely be found in the public relations nightmare that you have started for yourselves...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

30 observations from the 43 days that got swallowed up by my 30th birthday

So, it has been awhile, but between work and planning parties and enjoying summer in Chicago, I have been not sat down to write in awhile. To make up for it, here are 30 random things since I wrote on this site last:

30. Rebel Without a Cause is good on a movie screen, better outdoors with fireworks in the background and amazing when you have all of the above, plus friends and 3 bottles of wine.

29. The Berenstein Bears were right...there such a thing as too much birthday. (Actually, my birthday (and subsequent celebrations) was amazing. More than anyone could ask for, but this 30-year old is plum tuckered out).

28. It was 104 on the day before my birthday and the Cubs got their butts kicked. Of course, I could write that line for most of my birthdays.

27. Kiddie pools aren't just for kids when it is 104 outside. (This goes for slip 'n' slides as well).

26. German beer packs a lot of punch!

25. The key to good Sangria is soaking the fruit in sugar and brandy. The key to a good hangover is drinking a punch bowl's worth of Sangria.

24. Truth or Dare Jenga is the best way to turn a quiet Saturday night into a night of debaucherous chaotic fun.

23. There is nothing quite as funny as jazz hands.

22. If you are a cute girl with your even cuter friend and you stumble into “Nerds Single Night,” do not pull out your crossword. It is not going to help the situation.

22. As a follow up to #20, if you are a guy that signed up (and paid to attend) said Nerd Night, don’t walk around the bar looking down on others and acting as if you are better then everyone else. Don’t graze a girl you’ve never talked to and then use a line involving a shade of blue. Don’t argue your tab when you are obviously wasted. Finally, don’t blame said tab (that you racked up hitting on women) on 2 “Hate-Filled Evil Women.” Really, we didn’t give you a thought until then and now you have made yourself the star of a story that will never cease being funny. And for the record, you don’t hold a candle to Vince Vaughn.

20. American Graffiti is as good a movie as I remember and once again, better under the stars with a bottle of wine. If it is a movie you have never seen, you must rectify this.

19. The 10th Season of Friends is really good. It does kind of pull everything together in a nice ending.

18. Summarizing the last several weeks of the summer is hard when you are trying to come up with 30 things and when you are writing it a month after the fact.

17. When you go to a club (and you’re a shot and beer kind of girl) and the night takes a turn when you pay $20 just to start it, the best way to salvage it is to drink your weight in vodka. Bunny boilers be damned.

16. Watching a PBS documentary is not nerdy – however, sitting on the couch watching it, eating ice cream and knitting might be.

15. Fresh basil really does make a better fagach.

14. Sometimes people don’t always see you, even when they are looking right at you.

13. Hallmark really does make a card for everything and everyone. (Including a Word Up card for Dane! Happy Birthday, Dane! And others that I have missed...Deb - love you and Jason - welcome to the 30 Club!)

12. Never settle.

11. Getting crushed by your crush on your birthday requires late night recovery pub-style – shots and beers.

10. Follow up to #11, the sister who stays and does the shots (even though she hates them) and the friend who keep on pouring them (because it’s how he can make the situation better) are what it is all about.

09. Follow up (again) to #11 – it is always worth the risk. Even if you end up crushed.

08. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. (And usually, that involves It Raining Men)!

07. Sometimes the tough girl needs to be covered in satin and lace.

06. There is something to be said about being a damn good wingman (and about having one).

05. Dr. McGillicuddy’s and Hershey Syrup really do make everything better.

04. A really nice family picture is important, even if it involves a U-Boat.

03. There is nothing better than spending a week with your sister! Well, maybe it is your sister and the 6 pints of Grater’s ice cream she brought with her.

02. Every girl should own a Tiffany Bracelet. (Thanks Mom and Dad for making that dream come true. We’ll call the Mistletoe Bear incident a draw).

01. Turning 30 isn’t bad, as long as you are surrounded by lots of liquor and all of your family and friends. So, though I have not been thoroughly kissed in this, my 30th year, it has all around been a good start. Here’s to family and friends and the feeling that you fit in this crazy world. Here’s to 30 and absurdy!